
220 year-old cellar restaurant - Hungarian Dishes in the Spotlight

220 year-old cellar restaurant - Hungarian Dishes in the Spotlight

Imagine that your shoes are clicking on steps where people were already standing two hundred years ago. Imagine the sweet smell of dried red paprika, a Hungarian specialty, floating in the air. Imagine a feast with the unmistakable flavour of Hungarian dishes. Imagine the savour of exceptional drinks put on the table during wine and palinka tasting. Imagine you are not simply having dinner but participating in culinary time travelling. Imagine 220 year-old Cellar Restaurant’s remarkable atmosphere! Well, it’s best if you not only imagine but see it for yourself!


As scientific opinion has it, currently time travelling resides only in the fantasy of those endowed with the wildest of imaginations, like the famous Hungarian writer Gyula Verne was, but there is surely no existing technology for it. We would argue with this statement as long as there is a small, three room, and 225 square meter large spot on this modernized planet of Earth that literally brings its guests back to the time of our grandparents. And this place is no other than the 220 year old Cellar Restaurant operating with an authentic beehive oven where the warmth of dry sticks smouldering fills, and the sweet smell of Hungarian dishes floats around, the rooms. The place’s mottos are tradition and preserving our heritage, for we believe without a past there is no future.
Cellar Restaurant’s unique atmosphere can also make your event golden, whether it is…


 …a family event with Hungarian traditional food

Hearing “Family Circle” we not only remember the Hungarian poet, János Arany’s beautiful poem but also the faces of the many smiling guests who celebrated one of their prominent events in our 220 year old cellar restaurant. Graduation, christening, or an engagement, are all milestones in a family’s life which call for a place that has the atmosphere of a home. Like that of the 220 year old cellar restaurant nourishing our heritage. For if we think about it: family is also a part of our heritage.


…a corporate dinner with a traditional feats

Of course, it could be a luncheon, too; the point is, more importantly, that a business event needs a friendly and peaceful environment. In the 220 year old cellar restaurant you are guaranteed the opportunity for a private and uninterrupted conversation where you will have the chance to convince your partner about your company’s versatility. We, in turn, help your work with a feast of outstanding Hungarian dishes.


…wine tasting or palinka tasting

On the wall of the 220 year old cellar restaurant hangs a painting that shows Hungary’s territory from before World War I, with shining lights signalling the 22 traditional wine areas. In our cellar, guests are offered a range of 220 types of wine and palinka. So if you would like a wine tasting or palinka tasting of truly the best kind you are at the right place!

Our company’s event managers help you to host an event where people go home with a satisfied smile on their face. Don’t hesitate to contact us!



Complete Area: 225 m2 (the 3 rooms together)
Capacity: Standing Reception: 180 people; Seated Reception: 120 people


Black room:
Area: 90 m2
Seated reception: 28 people
Painter’s room:
Area: 120m2
Seated reception: 43 people
Mirror room:
Area: 130 m2
Seated reception: 50 people



•  Interior sound technology
•  AKG microphone park
•  Technician
•  Background Music, as desired
•  Furniture, after individual selection
•  Broadband and WIFI network connection
•  Mobile screen and Projector
•  Flipchart
•  Adjustable light- and sound volume
•  DVD-player

címkék: Puskás Pancho Sport Pub



Egy újabb buli és koncertszezon indul, ne maradj le kedvencedről!

Ízorgia és kulináris élvezetek

A tavasz és a nyár frissességét hozzuk el neked, ínycsiklandó fogásokkal, amelyek a legjobb alapanyagokból készülnek. Ünnepeld rendezvényeidet a Symbolban, ahol a menük is új köntösben fogadnak.  

Symbol Budapest Álomesküvő helyszín

Lenyűgöző, bulis, elegáns esküvőt szeretnétek a szabad ég alatt, mégis esőbiztos helyen? Ne keressetek tovább!

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